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Glen - Jackson Station

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The Portland and Ogdensburg Railroad built the first station here, originally named Glen in the spring of 1873. It and today's station are located 64.73 miles from Portland. I could find no pictures of the original building. The only proof it existed is in the P&O Stockholders Report of 1874.


In 1889, one year after the Maine Central Railroad leased the P&O, a new station with a restaurant, ticket office, western union office, and men and ladies waiting rooms were constructed.


The sidings opposite the platform side of the depot and including one spur out beside the east end of the station had a capacity of 83 cars. Logs were brought in 2-3 times a day from the Rocky Branch Logging Railroad from 1908-1914.and were transferred to Maine Central log cars.


The Station was closed on January 22, 1950. Today, the Glen and Jackson station survives but does not serve a Railroad. It is owned by the Hickory Hawks Ski Club of Melrose, Massachusetts.


Scotty Mallett has researched and written the information on this page. 

Intervale Station

Glen Jackson Station 1912 looking southeast.                   Photo courtesy Jane English


Source: History of Carroll County - Georgia Drew Merrill  -  1889

This video is mis-labeled.  Apparently the video-guy thought he was in Intervale but this is actually taken at the Glen - Jackson Station looking west. 

There are many more pictures at the Facebook Page "MEC RR MT DIVISION".

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