Bartlett, NH 03812

Railroad History

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The Portland & Ogdensburg Railroad was chartered on February 11, 1867 to run from Portland to Fabyan, a junction at Carroll, New Hampshire in the White Mountains, where the Boston, Concord & Montreal Railroad would continue west. The tracks reached Bartlett Village in 1873. Their track joined in a ceremony at the summit of Crawford Notch on August 7, 1875, then opened on August 16, 1875.

The P&O Railroad Tames Crawford Notch
After reaching Bartlett in 1873 the P&O Railroad faced the arduous task of building the rail line through Crawford Notch to Fabyan. It took two years to build that section of less than 20 miles. Our friends at White Mountain History have compiled a very good story and pictures of the challenges facing the railroad builders.

Frankenstein Trestle
Wiley Brook Bridge

Part of a P&O brochure in 1879 advertising their scenic journey through The White Mountains Notch.