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school reunions
2008 All Classes Reunion Recap
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Early in 2007, Bartlett Historical Society members agreed that the society should host a reunion of Bartlett school classmates to commemorate the last class to graduate from and subsequent closing of Bartlett High School in 1958. It was agreed to invite everyone who ever attended a Bartlett School to join us.
Later in the year the society contacted 60 individuals to enlist their assistance in collecting current addresses for school alumni. The following responded and collected classmate addresses for the project: Mikell Chandler Perry; Ruth Ward Abbott; Nancy Pettingill Hayes; Lisa Saunders Dufault; Donna Ward Iovino; Evelyn Sanborn Bailey; Carol Ainsworth Saunders; Ellen Sanborn Hayes; John & Judy Ludgate; Jim Howard; Elois Henry Sullivan; Virginia Liberty Lewis; Raymond Hebb; Jane Burdick Duggan; Louise Ludgate Merrill; Barbara Smith Denhard; Jean McGraw Ainsworth, as well as many family members in town.
Then in February 2008, the invitations were mailed to those who had attended Bartlett schools throughout the years asking them to come home and celebrate their educational heritage at a reunion in August.
Next came months of planning under the direction of Norman Head, chairman of the reunion committee. Finally late August arrived. The timing was right and after weeks of rain, the weather was absolutely perfect, an omen of good things yet to come.
Former Bartlett school students arrived from far and near. They came from California, Texas, Illinois, Florida, Massachusetts, Maine, Rhode Island, North Carolina, Connecticut, Vermont, Kentucky and from several towns and cities throughout New Hampshire. They brought with them their anticipation of the reunions with classmates with whom they hoped to share their school days memories and photos. They also brought genealogical information on their families to share with BHS and the library history files.
The reunion was underway on Friday, August 22nd at 6:30 p.m. The Bartlett Recreation Department under the direction of Annette Libby had arranged for a special presentation of their popular concert in the Park with Kevin Dolan and Simon Crawford. The guests of honor arrived amid hugs, kisses, and squeals of
delight on meeting their classmates. A sidelight to the evening was a mini family reunion, of sorts, as Jim and Jan Clemons presided over the gathering of several of the Clemons cousins and their spouses. Also, among those present were many other family groups. All were heard to be exchanging memories and enjoying
the refreshments made available by the V.F.W., the Congregational Church and others, for several hours. All too soon it was time to leave this picture-perfect setting and promises of we’ll get together again tomorrow” were heard throughout.
Another wonderful day arrived on Saturday and thanks to Joe Voci, principal of the JBES, Earl Mederois, and the entire staff at the school who were so accommodating and helpful, we were ready and at 9 a.m, the doors of the Josiah Bartlett Elementary School were opened and the library was staffed with volunteers ready to greet the guests of honor and to direct them to check-in
with the historical society volunteers.
After check-in they spent time enjoying the many displays of the historical society and the library. Soon the activities of the day were underway and those present were treated to presentations with a historical flavor: A Century of Railroading with Ben English, former teacher at Bartlett Elementary school; an Update on the Flying Yankee and its Restoration Project with George Howard, 1953 graduate of Bartlett High School; River Driving on the Saco River and Molly Ockett, Indian Doctress presented by Carol Foord of the Tin Mountain Conservation Center; The Construction of Stoney’s Sugar House under the direction of Valerie Ford, with Bartlett School students Lisa Carper, Lily Brennan, Aslyn Dindorf, Quinn Duffy & Matt Shaw; and, Songs of Old New Hampshire with Jeff Warner of the New Hampshire Humanities Council on the Arts.
"The staff at the Attitash Grand Summit Hotel at Bear Peak made the honored guests welcomed as they arrived at the entrance. Once inside the resort, the Grand Summit staff, under the direction of Tracy Albert & Jen Albert greeted everyone with a selection of cheeses , and fruits to enjoy with cocktails. And throughout it all classmates continued to reminisce! As they sat down to dinner, George Howard lead the pledge of allegiance to the flag and David Gosselin gave the invocation. During dinner Norman Head and Bert George presided over the drawing of raffle prizes and special recognitions donated by the following Bartlett Artisans and Merchants: Bartlett Schools Afghan, BHS; hand painted plate with a Bartlett scene, Greta George; Print, Lisa Saunders Dufault; Afghan and pillow, Evelyn Sanborn Bailey; Framed Photo, Ellen Sanborn Hayes; Breakfast Basket, Carol Ainsworth Saunders; Replace the Turf from Whence it was Hacked’’ by Kathi L. McGraw; Gift Certificate, Fresh Start Restaurant; Gift Certificates, Trails End Ice Cream Shoppe; Gift Certificate, White Mountain Cider Co.; Gift Certificates, Settler’s Green; NH Lotto Scratch Tickets, Patch’s Market; T-Shirts,
Langdon’s Mercantile; Golf Foursome, Linderhof Country Club; Maple Syrup, Stoney’s Sugar House; Wine Basket, Austin & Debbie Ferland; Paintography, Carol Saunders; framed print, Dolley/Emerson, and a Hand-crafted Bird House, Wanda Allan. After the raffle,
Norman celebrated the following individuals with special recognition:
⇒ Jean Garland, was presented with flowers donated by Brian Hill. of Hill’s Florists. Gene Chandler, Selectman and Bartlett School classmate, recalled her more than 55 years as the town librarian.
⇒ Edith Chandler, at 90 years old, was the oldest person (by two years) in attendance and was presented with flowers also given by Brian Hill along with town histories given by the Bartlett Library.
⇒ It should be noted here that BHS members, Donald Clemons, 87, and Barbara Denhard, 84, were also in attendance. Carol Saunders, member of the last class to graduate fromBartlett High School, which closed in 1958 upon their graduation, presented her classmates and favorite teacher, Mr. Sal Manna with tee shirts prepared by her daughter, Lisa Saunders Dufault to remember the event.
Then Carol recalled growing up in Bartlett in the 1950’s in rhyme. The recollection she titled, “The Class of 1958” was most entertaining. After dinner it was time to enjoy the entertainment provided by Jonathan Sarty and the White Mountain Boys which, we understand, was very much enjoyed by everyone. And, once again it ended all too soon.
On Sunday morning, classmates gathered again, this time at the Red Fox Pub & Restaurant on Route 16 in Jackson, for an Until We Meet Again Breakfast. And, once again, the reunion guests received special treatment from Paul Ciamillo and his staff at the Red Fox with a private room where they could enjoy the
scrumptious breakfast buffet and continue to reminisce with old and new friends. One last time it was over much too soon. This time the classmate partings were bittersweet as now it was time to say good by. Each left wishing that it could have lasted “just a bit longer,” and, leaving a small piece of their heart in their “old home town.”
However reluctant, they did leave and they took with them the memories they brought on Friday, in addition to the new memories of those three glorious August days. Those memories are certain to last until they gather again one day.
In addition to those mentioned in this diary of the Bartlett School Reunion 2008, the Bartlett Historical Society reunion committee wishes to thank the following for their contributions to this event:
Dave Eliason for adding event info to his Bartlett website; Bob “Homer” Holmes and Kathleen Sullivan Head for
recording the oral history conversations, Ruth Ward Abbott, who gave her permission for us to copy her compilation of photos, programs and memorabilia chronicling the history of Bartlett High School; Jean Garland and the library staff for always being willing to help us out; Bev Shaw and Kelly Gilinas of T.D. Bank, North for the welcome bags; Marcia Burchstead, for keeping us in her column; Kathi McGraw for coming through when we needed to get out member emails and information posted to the website; Resort Rentals Realty and Hannalore Chandler, for welcome bag donations; Settlers’ Green Outlet Village, and to all of those who helped in the many ways too numerous to mention. Thank you for
a fantastic production one and all. Bartlett School Reunion committee members: John Ludgate, Carol Saunders, Bert George, Marcia Dolley, Leslie Mallett and Chairman, Norman Head
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